
It is our honor to maintain the quality of work valued by our customers

The Construction Quality Association has awarded Rakennusliike U. Lipsanen Oy:

• A competence certificate for a construction company
• RALA certificate for a construction company

More information about the Construction Quality Association RALA: www.rala.fi.

It is our honor to uphold the quality of work that our customers value. We can provide added value for our customers by specializing in our traditional areas of expertise. We develop our service in cooperation with our clients and a professional subcontracting network.

The best way to serve our customers is to take care of the enthusiasm and expertise of our personnel. The performance of a skilled personnel is completed by modern, effective production methods.

The quality management targets are defined in our quality policy approved by the board of the company. The board of the company sets quality targets in their operating plan annually and they are controlled by key figures.

Quality control and assurance in all stages of construction are parts of a comprehensive quality management. The responsibility for quality control and assurance is carried by the line organization who is responsible for this in their area of operations. Every employee in the company has the right and obligation to respond for the quality of their own work and perform the quality assurance operations required.

We have a documented quality system as a tool for quality management. It closely defines the operations and responsibilities of quality management and assurance. The functionality of the quality system is evaluated and developed in the follow-up meetings of sites and the management views regularly.

The quality system is described in the quality handbook and a separate code of conduct. The quality manual defines the targets, responsibilities and control of quality management. The code of conduct includes both procedures and codes, forms and other tools. Other documents and sources referred to in the quality system manual form the reference materials of the quality system.