
Premises for future

Premises for future

Rakennusliike U.Lipsanen Oy is a Finnish family company and it belongs to the Lipa-Betoni Group. The company guarantees its customers competitive, high quality and on time deliveries. We serve our clients individually not only as the main contractor but also as part of the building developer’s expert team. This ensures the client a functional building that they were looking for. We make every effort to ensure that all of the parties involved can assess the finished building proudly and be unanimous of the high quality.

Detailed history

1950 Uuno Lipsanen and Mauno Hintsanen establish a construction company carrying their name. The first project was the Sulkava fire station.

1954 Uuno Lipsanen moves the company from Juva to Pieksänmäki.

1959 Nikkarila’s forest school was the first project built for the state. This proved to be very useful later.

1964 Uuno Lipsanen leaves himself out from the Pieksämäki region price competition. At the same time, the construction company received a profitable and challenging work, the construction project of Lapinlahti municipal office building. Kyllikki Lipsanen remembers that they gained a profit of 5000 FM from the project that was a big money back then.

1965 The company became significant nationwide, as it became the local “selected constructor” during the next seven years and even later.

1972 The company was changed to a general partnership.

1973 Uuno Lipsanen was awarded with a honorary title of “kiinteistöneuvos”.

1976 Hotel SavonSolmu was finished in Pieksänmäki. At the time, it was a significant hotel nationwide and Uuno Lipsanen thought it was his most challenging work.

1976 Lipa-Betoni Oy precast concrete factory was established.

1984 1st generation change and Rakennusliike U.Lipsanen becomes a limited company. Matti Lipsanen becomes the CEO.

1988 The Pilari customer magazine started its operation.

1989 Lauri Mikkonen, who had operated as an external consult, was selected as the first board member outside the company.

1994 Rakennusliike U.Lipsanen Oy expanded their operations to Jyväskylä.

2003 Rakennusliike U.Lipsanen Oy expanded their operations to the Greater Helsinki area.

2003 The first pre-fabricated engine room “Moduls” was installed in S-market grocery store in Hirvensalmi.

2003 Rakennusliike U.Lipsanen participated in the ”Optimizing the construction waste management in Southern Savo” project. This resulted in decreased waste in construction sites and recycling increased.

2004 Lipa-Betoni burned and a new factory was built.

2007 Rakennusliike U.Lipsanen bought Rakennus A.J Ahola Oy. As the result of the purchase, the operation possibilities in Southern Finland were increased, and the greater Helsinki region markets were opened.

2009 2nd generation change. Antti Lipsanen becomes the CEO.

2011 Rakennusliike U.Lipsanen Oy renewed their logo and company profile. At the same time, Lipsanen’s and Lipa-Betoni’s new websites were published.